3KMK Thanksgiving
#pardoned Turkeys #turkey presentation 2018 #peas and carrots #Pilgrims Deeard
mukaan Barjo67 et Imotronic67
14 kysymykset
1. The native americains ... the pilgims ?
a Stopped
b Landed
c Killed
d Helped
2. When Abram Lincoln declared thanksgiving a national holiday ?
a 1963
b 1863
c 1763
d 1563
3. They ate ... on the first thanksgiving ?
a Turkey
b Chiken
c Dinosors
d Dogs
4. When peas hatched ?
a June 28
b June 28 2018
c 312 december
d 26 june
5. What is the favorit music of peas ?
a Brad Poisley
b Jul
c Snoop dog
d Bob Marley
6. Who is squanto ?
a Native americain
b Pilgrims
c Esclave
d Dog
7. At the thanksgiving with whom Trump was surounded with ?
a Obama
b Animals
c Family
d Just witch his
8. The native americains helped the pilgrims to survive the first ?
a Summer America
b Sering in America
c Fall in America
d Winter
9. The pilgrims celebrated thanksgiving ?
a Every 2 years
b Every 3 years
c Every year
d Every 4 years
10. Where Squanto learns in the original story when ?
a In Europ
b In Africa
c In England
d In France
11. What are the names of two pardoned turkeys 2018 ?
a Peas and carrots
b Pablo and Escobar
c Jams and Jones
d Salt and pepper
12. The turkey will ?
a Be killed
b Be eaten
c Be roasted
d Be spared and go to a farm
13. About which singer carrots is fanatic ?
a Elvis Presley
b Jul
c Adele
d Bob Marley
14. What the dreams of peas ?
a Learn to fly
b Heat kebab
c Kill Donald Trump
d Swiming 100m