3KMK Thanksgiving
#Pardoned Turkeys #Turkey presentation 2018 #Pease and carrots #Story history #Pilgrims descord
mukaan nass nass mett mett
12 kysymykset
1. After the native Americans helped the Pilgrims to survive the first...?
a Summer in America
b Spring in America
c Fall in America
d Winter in America
2. The pilgrims and the native Americans were...?
a Not friends
b Besties
3. Squanto learned...... to help the pilgrims.
a French
b Turkish
c English
d Arabic
4. The pilgrims celembrated thanksgiving :
a Every 2 year
b Every 5 year
c Every year
d Every 3 year
5. In... Abraham Lincoln declared thanksgiving a national holiday ?
a 1963
b 1863
c 1861
d 1862
6. What is the name of the boat ?
a Boatyellow
b Mayriewazzeur
c Boatpirats
d Mayflower
7. Where is the thanksgiving ceremony ?
a On the beach
b In a macdonalds
c The white house
d The house of Santa Claus
8. At the thanksgiving ceremony, with whom trump was surrounded with :
a Obama
b Family
c Just with his wife
d Animals
9. How win the vote for select the turkey ?
a Peas
b Carots
10. The height of peas is ?
a 6600"
b 300"
c 0,03"
d 30"
11. After the ceremony when is peas and carots ?
a In the white house
b In a 5 star hotel
c In a farm
12. How peas has finish his life ?
a His not killed not eat and his finish his life in peace
b His killed
c His eat
d His finish his life with Donald trump