Thanksgiving's tradition
It's a quizz about thanksgiving's tradition.
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5 kysymykset
1. What did the Native Americans learn to the Pilgrins ?
a To ground corn
b To speak their language
c To chase turkey
d I don't know
2. How many Pilgrins were on the boat at the begining ?
a 100
b 90
c 99
d 89
3. How many Pilgrins survired when they arrived ?
a 58
b 66
c 0
d 57
4. The Pilgrins invited the Native Americans for ...
a Kill them
b For share a meal
c A big party
d Eat them
5. Why thanksgiving is important to the americain ?
a It's one of the only party when they shared with the neigbors
b Because it a part of their history
c It's only party when we can eat turkey
d This is the only party when they shared with the family